Sunday, 26 February 2012

2-27-12 Photo of the Day

Good Morning everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend, it was beautiful here in London, warm and sunny. Everyone was out and about I hope it stays like this but if it doesn't Im happy for the few great days we had.  These two images were taken with my Ricoh GRD IV its a great little camera and thanks to Bill a fellow blogger has introduced me to this wonderful little camera.  From now on I will tell you which camera I shot the images with because my go to camera is still the Nikon but my going to work camera is the Ricoh.  I want to welcome my new followers thanks for coming to my site and everyone please have a great day.


  1. Nice portraits but the guys looks a bit leery. Much fun with your new camera.

  2. hey S.C yes he was leery I was standing really close to him when I took the shot... thats one thing about this new camera I look at the back and forget that I can get so close that I tend to get into personal space.. which here in Europe isn't that bad in the states it would be a big problem we have a much bigger personal space bubble.

  3. Thanks for Sharing your Observation.........
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