Wednesday, 14 December 2011

12-15-11 Photo of the Day

I love that he is looking at her, she is looking at me and now we are looking at them =)  Shot at Brick Lane Market on Sunday...


  1. One of your best, Gerry. Priceless.

  2. Great one.good street shot

  3. I couldn't agree with you more, Ger, but I also like how the name of the street also plays into that theme. Very strong shot, G!

  4. Thanks everyone, these are one of those gems that you don't really know you got till you get home and see it on a computer screen.

  5. Excellent, and I just noticed the street name too, how cool is that? :-)

  6. The name of the street was pure luck, what caught my eye was the girl and the corner of the street... I noticed the guy as I was framing the shot and included him in it other wise it started off with just the girl.
